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Shoot The MSN Messenger!

Disable MSN Messenger from loading at the start of windows. It's easy as 1, 2, 3!

1. Download and Install the application

Download Shoot The MSN Messenger for Windows 95 / 98 / NT / 2000 / XP (Zip)

Disable MSN Messenger

2. Check the box to disable MSN Messenger

Disable MSN Messenger

3. Click OK and your Done!

4. (Optional) You can double click the tiny box in the upper left corner to uninstall the application immediately!


This will prevent MSN Messenger from running by modifying the registry. Simply uncheck the check box to allow messenger to run again.

:  Your computer might already have the runtime files. If so, you can just run the program here. Choose to "open" rather than save.
           It's worth a try, and this way there's no need to uninstall when you're done.

Questions / Comments?

e-mail: mailadmin@dreamstruct.com

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